Welcome to the T3 Innovation Network’s LER for SBHA Toolkit!
This toolkit is focused on issuing Learning and Employment Records (LERs) as Verifiable Credentials (VCs) to support skills-based hiring and advancement (SBHA) use cases. As VCs, LERs can directly benefit employers, employees, and other partners in the ecosystem. This effort aims to be vendor-neutral and based on open data standards. The toolkit contains resources intended to expand and evolve with support from the community. As you engage with the resources, we invite you to submit feedback.
Thank you in advance for helping us ensure these resources are useful, practical, and understandable!
Key Terms
To help you navigate the content in this toolkit, we’ve defined here three words you’ll see often.
Skills-Based Hiring and Advancement (SBHA) refers to an approach focused on evaluating and promoting people based on their skills and competencies.
It is a process by which employers and HR service providers identify, recruit, hire, and advance candidates informed by skills and competency data, helping to more effectively match candidates' skills and competencies with the skill and competency requirements of work or learning opportunities.
A Learning and Employment Record (LER) documents any achievement related to learning or work and may be used to qualify the learner or worker for hiring or advancement.
Employment records, academic transcripts, professional licenses, micro-credentials, badges, and degrees are all examples of LERs.
A Verifiable Credential (VC) is an open data standard from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that defines how to express a credential and attach a cryptographic verifiable proof.
A VC is a structured machine-readable document that contains an issuer identifier, a set of claims maid by the issuer about the credential subject, a set of standard metadata properties referring to the credential as a whole, and a cryptographic signature or seal.
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