Implementing LER VCs for SBHA Use Cases:
A Guide
This Guide is designed for teams implementing Learning and Employment Records (LERs) issued as Verifiable Credentials (VCs) to make an impact in a skills-based hiring or advancement system. Our team at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s T3 Innovation Network has compiled this Guide because we believe in the potential impacts LERs issued as VCs can have on economic and social mobility, and we want to support your project’s success.
In collaboration with the LER community, we have identified several areas where guidance is often helpful. Each of these areas makes up a section of this guide, with corresponding action-oriented templates that you may use and adapt as you plan and implement your solution. How you use this guide is up to you. We encourage you to select the sections that are most useful to you, download the templates provided, and edit them to fit your project’s needs. Throughout the document, you will also find hyperlinked Glossary terms, technical documents, and other relevant publications, if you would like to go deeper.
Wherever you are in your planning or implementation journey, we hope that this Guide proves helpful to you and your team. We look forward to celebrating your progress!
Guide Contents
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