Questions & Answers

Discover answers to commonly asked questions

How do we ensure credibility in the credentials our project issues?
What technical decisions do I need to make about issuing credentials?
How can issued credentials remain viable after the issuer closes its doors, leaves the market, is acquired or disabled by a natural disaster?
How do I decide what achievements to recognize?
How do I know what content employers want to see in a digital credential?
How do I choose from among LER credential types?
Is it possible for holders to use a digital credential offline or in paper formats?
What privacy issues should I consider as I issue LERs as VCs?
Are the latest versions of the VC Data Model, Open Badges, ELM, and CLR ready to use?
How can I use evidence to support claims in a credential? Should I link to evidence from the credential or store it in the credential?
Where do I find the data to include in the credential(s) I want to create?
What control do I have over the appearance of the credential after I award it?
How do I choose among wallets to recommend to those who receive credentials?
Is it possible to update Verifiable Credential LERs after they have been issued?
How does a credential expire or become revoked?
Issuing and notifications - how do individuals get notified once their credentials are ready to be awarded to them?
How might we include skills and skills data in the credential?
What do issuers need to put into credentials to enable verification in detail?
How can a learner share a set of accomplishments in one or more LER VCs with an employer or other recipient?
How do I send a credential to an employer when an employer cannot receive these kinds of credentials?
What can I do with a wallet?
If I find an error in a credential how do I get it fixed?
How do I verify the authenticity of a credential?
How can issued credentials remain verifiable if the issuer shuts down?
What if I don't have an HR system, but still would like to receive LERs?
Do job search platforms, HR or ATS systems accept LERs?
How do I determine if the issuer is a credible source of the credentials I seek?

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