
Connect with stakeholders in the T3 Network Community

1EdTech Membership
1EdTech is the standards body behind Open Badges, Comprehensive Learner Record, and more. The community advances work across six workstreams, which support four strategic imperatives. Imperatives include Transformative Digital Learning; Personalized Learner Journeys; Achievement, Opportunity, and Employment; and Learner Success, Retention, and Outcomes. Note this is a fee-based membership.
Credential As You Go
Credential As You Go
Credential As You Go is a movement to develop a nationally adopted incremental credentialing system that improves education and employment outcomes for all.
Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) Advisory Group
Credential Engine
The CTDL Advisory Group brings together a principal group of international experts in areas critical to powering talent ecosystem data. It is also open to community participation. This group provides important updates on CTDL developments and opportunities to provide input to planning, expanding, and global positioning of CTDL to help power data for talent ecosystems.
Credentials Community Group (CCG)
The CCG explores the creation, storage, presentation, verification, and user control of credentials. They focus on a verifiable credential (a set of claims) created by an issuer about a subject—a person, group, or thing—and seek solutions inclusive of approaches such as: self-sovereign identity; presentation of proofs by the bearer; data minimization; and centralized, federated, and decentralized registry and identity systems. They draft and incubate Internet specifications for further standardization and prototype and test reference implementations.
Data Standards United
Data Standards United
Aims to establish a sustainable collaborative of Data Standards Development Organizations and their stakeholders across education, employment, and training sectors
Decentralized Identity Foundation
DIF is an engineering-driven organization focused on developing the foundational elements necessary to establish an open ecosystem for decentralized identity and ensure interop between all participants.
Digital Credentials Consortium
The Digital Credentials Consortium was founded in 2018 by leading universities with expertise in the design of verifiable digital credentials. Together, they are designing an infrastructure for digital credentials of academic achievement.
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
A community of metadata professionals and practitioners that share an open and forward-looking ethos of innovative practice, bridging established metadata practices and graph-based solutions for integration across data silos within a Linked Data ecosystem.
Exchange Digital Credentials Community
The AACRAO Exchange Digital Credentials Community connects higher education professionals to learn from each other, share insights and best practices, and support the development and implementation of digital credentials.
Experience You
USCCF & Education Design Lab
Jointly led by the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation and Education Design Lab, dedicated to leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to transform the way we recognize and translate past learning and experience data into actionable skills data for individuals at scale. After a successful demonstration of our concept in the first phase, we are excited to announce the next phase – field testing with select partners.
Groningen Declaration Network
Groningen Declaration Network
An international, nonprofit and voluntary network of like-minded organizations and individuals that want to make digital student data portability happen.
HR Open Standards Consortium
HR Open
A voluntary consensus standards consortium dedicated to the development and promotion of a free suite of specifications to enable HR-related data exchanges.
Internet Identity Workshop (IIW)
The Internet Identity Workshop has been finding, probing and solving identity issues twice every year since 2005. They meet for an unconference in the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA.
Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC)
Part of the largest technical professional organization in the world and the standards association behind the standard commonly known as WiFi, the LTSC develops standards and coordinates with other organizations, both formally and informally, that produce specifications and standards for learning technologies.
Microcredentials and Badges Community Group
The Microcredentials and Badges group provides a community space for all aspects of research, design, and implementation of microcredentialing and/or digital badging systems.
Open Recognition Alliance
Open Recognition Alliance
The Open Recognition Alliance brings together individual and collective actors – all around the world – who want to build an open and learning society, based on the recognition of the talents, skills and aspirations of individuals, communities and territories.
Open Skills Network (OSN)
A coalition of employers, education providers, policy makers, military, non-profits, and other stakeholders dedicated to advancing skills-based education and hiring.
JFF hosts periodic Plugfests to challenge technology vendors to prove they can interoperate with one another. From the last Plugfest: The purpose of this event is to demonstrate interoperability during the presentation exchange workflow using W3C Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identifiers. It is co-hosted by the W3C Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force.
Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC)
​The Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC) is an open standards-development and open standards-setting body (governed by a voluntary, consensus-based model), funded independently by annual membership dues and meetings & sponsorships - enabling PESC to support, publish and maintain PESC Approved Standards and technical information free and without charge.
Skills-Driven State Community Of Practice
The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center), in partnership with Jobs for the Future (JFF), has launched a project to help Governors’ offices and other senior state officials better connect skills-based training to skills-based hiring practices and to consider promising design elements of Learning and Employment Record (LER) systems.
State Business Executives Education & Workforce Webinar Series
State Business Executives
During the webinar series, we will hear from renowned experts and top organizations on the work they are leading to align and improve education, drive innovation and systematic changes to our Nation’s workforce system, and explore the latest approaches and trends. Through this series, SBE and its partners will look at transformative strategies, technologies, and initiatives shaping the future workforce playing field and ensuring U.S. businesses have the talent needed to grow, innovate, and compete.
Trust Over IP Foundation
Linux Foundation
An independent project hosted at the Linux Foundation, working with pan-industry support from leading organizations around the world. The mission is to provide a robust, common standard and complete architecture for Internet-scale digital trust.
Trusted Learner Network
A community of digital credential experts and enthusiasts who are building an ecosystem to empower learners as they share their educational experiences.
W3C Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force (vc-ed)
A group that has been meeting weekly on technical topics related to LERs. Check out the meeting minutes archives.
Web3 Education Alliance
World Bank & Learning Economy Foundation
A global coalition to proliferate equitable web3 technologies for education and employment through action research and pilots.

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